Email: george@georgerpowell .com | Facebook: facebook.com/georger powell | Twitter: @georgerpowell

George R Powell @Setu-Firestorm

Age 42, Male

Composer-Screenwr it

St. Petersburg College

Largo, FL

Joined on 8/9/06

Exp Points:
1,910 / 2,180
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.57 votes
Police Officer
Global Rank:
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Setu-Firestorm's News

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - April 16th, 2008

If you're Horde and on the Anetheron US server, shoot my Blood Elf Paladin Raleigh an ingame mail.

I've just started a guild called "The Blue Feather". We're mostly low-level Blood Elves right now (I'm highest level in the guild and I'm at LV16), but we're all working toward being able to do raids together as well as build up a Guild Bank account so we can hopefully do future raids and inner-guild events.

For more information, check out the following sites:

Guild Homepage on GuildCafe.com: thebluefeather.guildcafe.com
(to join on the guild interaction, visit http://thebluefeather.guildcafe.com/jo in)
Guild Myspace: Myspace.com/thebluefeather

Calling all Horde on the Anetheron server

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - April 4th, 2008

It's getting tiring. Most of my classes are trying to cram what they couldn't cover previously into the last 3 weeks, and that on top of working part-time and having the LoZ film director nicely nagging me to get myself moving along has been very tiring.

I'm pulling through it though, even though I feel like I'm flying a ship through a closing docking bay door knowing that although I'll squeeze out, I'll very likely scrape up the ship along with other potential damages (as far as the schoolwork's concerned).

Also, I have 3 characters on the Blizzard WoW servers right now, and I've only had the time to really start leveling a few to LV5 or 6. They are as follows (in case you want to add me to your friends):

Blood Elf Paladin
Anetheron server

"Daeanall" (of "Daenall". I'll have to check my spelling)
Blood Elf Warlock
Medivh server

Draenei Shaman
Magtheridon server

I hope to start a character on an RP server just for the hell of it, but that won't be for a while.


Also, on a side note, I am planning an instrumental album project (which will primarily be orchestral but may include other softer styles). I'll give more details later when I actually get that ball rolling. It's not a commission, nor is it a soundtrack; it'll just be an album of instrumental art.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - April 3rd, 2008

I now have a paid subscription to World of Warcraft. I so far have a Blood Elf Paladin named "Raleigh" (go figure) on the Anetheron server. I'd also, at some time, like to have a character on an RP server just for the hell of RPing, but I haven't decided what to do with that yet.

Not that it entirely matters, because I still have my Spanish class that is cramming the same workload we'd have 2 weeks to finish into 1 week, so I have to stay caught up with that as well as finish the scene I'm scoring for LoZ.

So, consequently, I usually play WoW at night (eastern time), because that's when my brain's too mushed out from the day to get anything accomplished. So if any of you have a character on that server, feel free to add me to your friends if you're Horde.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - April 1st, 2008

I saw a rather interesting trailer to some IGN Zelda movie. Some people think it's an April Fools joke, and some think it's real.

The trailer can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvN7jZ3 4SAA

Either way, I have to admit, they had some rather kick-ass CG with very professional video quality. Now, if only their casting and makeup artists were up to par with everything else...

Also, the orchestration I heard in that trailer was quite brilliant. I was impressed and even humbled by the orchestration and audio quality of the music their composer did, although I couldn't help but notice it was far too dangerously close to the original Koji Kondo music that it's got lawsuit written all over it. >.<

Although I'm not an arrogant person, I have to admit that some part of me felt like someone was trying to take my ray of sunshine and actually posed some good competition in that. It was, as I said, rather humbling. Not that I care if that person's music is good, but I do care that when "Hero of Time" comes out, my music's going to be compared with theirs, and that makes me feel a bit timid. But hey, competition's always a good thing, and to be honest, it's not a race. I compose because I love composing, and I'm not really a competitive person (only because I've never been put in the position where I was going to be considered competition before).

So, who knows what will happen. Time will tell. Music scoring for Hero of Time is going as smoothly as it can with fulltime college and part time work. I hope things are well with all of you. I'm trying to keep my mind off the bullshit that's been going on in the past week, but I'm hanging in there.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - March 29th, 2008

Basically the long and short of it was: my future roommate did something regrettably stupid and I didn't stop her, so now that she has to live with the consequences of her own actions, it suddenly became my fault for not saving her from herself as if her actions were my responsibility.

This, my friends, is why I'm glad I'm gay, because I have only met one or two women my age who are not Drama Machines. The irony is: this is almost a complete Dejavu of my situation with my attempted ex that I dated while I was in denial, only this time, the girl's not dating me.

Life can sure be funny sometimes, especially when you let yourself show completely to people and yet they still get the wrong idea about you. I'm a survivalist by nature, and as such, I live my life by a "we break it, we buy it" way of thinking because naturally what you do carries consequences no matter how big or small they are. My survivalist nature is why I'm the type of person to say "Do whatever you want, regardless of whether or not I agree with it. Just don't expect me to follow you in it", because my actions and choices are my responsibility and others' actions and choices are theirs, so I do not let myself be burdened by the choices of others. Hence, when someone chooses to get drunk while leading on an acquaintance and his ex-girlfriend to have an orgy, I'm going to let them make that stupid choice because oftentimes, in life, the only way we learn is by sticking our hand in the fire. If that's what that person wants, I'll let them have it, even if it creates weight for them to carry forever.

I know that way of thinking makes me seem like a cold-hearted and disregarding person, but the reason I feel no remorse in that is because there were many times in my life where no one was there to stop me from being stupid and fucking up various aspects of my life, and I learned many valuable lessons from it.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - March 10th, 2008

I'm now working at the Subway on the corner of Enterprise and McMullen Booth (for those of you who live in or near Clearwater, FL). Yesterday was my first day, and it seems to be going alright.

So now, as far as the moving situation's going, it's all just a matter of waiting things out.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - March 8th, 2008

Not quite sure when exactly, but I'm going in with them to put in the deposit on the 15th, because they pulled a "Oh, by the way, you have to give 30 day's notice before leaving the current apartment".

So I'm at home until roughly mid-April, but this is a good thing, because it gives me some time to get a part-time job. Hopefully I'll be able to find one, because it gets weird in this area. We have many places around here, yet almost no one is hiring, and half of them blame the economy (although most of those places are into selling things that only hobbyists with money can afford -- like Sam Ash, the music store).

So, I'm hoping to get myself a decent part-time job, but for now, I'm not overly worried about it.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - February 25th, 2008

Although I'm 25 going on 26 years old, I was living in my parents house because they offered free room and board under the stipulation that I stay enrolled in college. The problem was not with this, however, but with something else.

As it seems, the day I came out, their reaction seemed a bit oddly subtle, which struck me as something not right, and I soon found out why. As time went on, they started giving me daily reminders that they're disgusted with me because I won't change my mind and be straight. If there's one thing I find most irritating, it's when ignorant people become aggressive on topics they have zero understanding of. Although I've attempted to put it into perspective that being gay is just as much a choice as being straight is, they still don't think about it rationally and think that I just want to choose a "life of sin" when in fact they should know (being my parents and all) that I'm not the type of person who goes out looking for a good time, but would rather have a committed relationship which homosexuals are just as capable of as heterosexuals are. So whatever. I'm done trying to talk to people who've already decided they're not listening.

So, a friend of mine offered for me to move in with her to keep her company while her fiance is in Kuwait (don't worry, her fiance's a good friend of mine I've known since we were kids, and he knows I'm not going to steal her from him; he actually knows about this, too) and the unofficial date is March 10th. This is going to be a wonderfully liberating, but stressful chapter of my life, but hey, without the occasional conflicts, life would be one boring story.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - February 11th, 2008

Titled "A Heart Divided"

Read the author comments for further info about it and the album.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - February 5th, 2008

That's right, folks. I've made my very own World of Warcraft commercial.

It took me forever to edit because Windows Movie Maker is a real douche, so I had to redo all the editing in Adobe Premiere so it would render out without locking up on me (Damn you, WMM). There are some minor audio-sync problems which are of mysterious origin considering that I ran and audio recorder at the same time of the video capture, but the audio wouldn't line up right (probably variant samplerates), so I synced the audio as best I could.

It's up on YouTube and on my MySpace profile.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIZZ3OW ADlY