Although I'm 25 going on 26 years old, I was living in my parents house because they offered free room and board under the stipulation that I stay enrolled in college. The problem was not with this, however, but with something else.
As it seems, the day I came out, their reaction seemed a bit oddly subtle, which struck me as something not right, and I soon found out why. As time went on, they started giving me daily reminders that they're disgusted with me because I won't change my mind and be straight. If there's one thing I find most irritating, it's when ignorant people become aggressive on topics they have zero understanding of. Although I've attempted to put it into perspective that being gay is just as much a choice as being straight is, they still don't think about it rationally and think that I just want to choose a "life of sin" when in fact they should know (being my parents and all) that I'm not the type of person who goes out looking for a good time, but would rather have a committed relationship which homosexuals are just as capable of as heterosexuals are. So whatever. I'm done trying to talk to people who've already decided they're not listening.
So, a friend of mine offered for me to move in with her to keep her company while her fiance is in Kuwait (don't worry, her fiance's a good friend of mine I've known since we were kids, and he knows I'm not going to steal her from him; he actually knows about this, too) and the unofficial date is March 10th. This is going to be a wonderfully liberating, but stressful chapter of my life, but hey, without the occasional conflicts, life would be one boring story.
That's unfortunate with your parents. I get pissed off when people dislike a person simply because they're homosexual. It doesn't make any sense. Hell, I knew a gay guy once. He was awesome to hang out with, and easy to joke around.
I can understand if the homosexual was a total prick (I'm sure there's a couple out there...), yes, that's reason enough not to like THE GUY. But outcasting every homosexual jsut because they're homosexual is retarded. And what's worse is they're your parents.. I hate it when people keep their eyes shut to common sense.
And I didn't know people accused gays of going gays for a "good time". Wouldn't be easier to get laid straight? o.o
Anyways, hopefully it all turns out for the best. Better get off that lazy bum of yours and look for an apartment! :o
Setu-Firestorm (Updated )
Actually, I have an apartment waiting. We got the okay, so I should be moving in on March 10th, which gives me 2 weeks to prepare and pack up. Furthermore, it's 45 minutes south of my hometown on the border of Tampa and St. Petersburg, so it's far enough away where my parents won't bother me.
I try to count my blessings and realize that things could be worse, because there are teenagers who come out to their parents and get thrown out of the house. So I have to consider myself fortunate that that wasn't the case with me.
One thing that everyone eventually learns about the world is that human beings, in groups, prefer to not think for themselves, and that's why some use religion to exploit that side of human nature and grab control of people's lives and attempt to control them. Another truth is that people would rather have presuppositions about things they don't understand than put forth the effort to understand them.
In my parents' case, they were raised in the church, and they're a little too grounded in what they're told to believe, so therefore, it's a "sin" to understand something that the church calls Sin when you're supposed to shut your eyes, close your ears, and run away.
The one thing about this situation that had me really frustrated was that my parents, who brought me into this world and were there as I grew up thought that me being gay meant I was going to run out and see who I can screw, and wouldn't listen to me when I tried to say "Yeah, there are gay guys who run out to see who they can screw, and there's gay guys who want a committed relationship and to live like everyone else. But you know what? Both of those groups ALSO EXIST in heterosexuality."
What you said is true. If people really stopped, backed up, and looked at heterosexuality and homosexuality with an outside, unbiased opinion, they'd realize that the only tangible difference between the two is that homosexuality doesn't bear children. Aside from that, it's the same damn thing.
Thank you for your comment and your support. I do appreciate it. It's been a not-run past few weeks, and in the next 2 as I pack, I expect it all to get gradually worse, so I'm trying to mentally prepare for it.
And just in case you don't get these responses, I'll PM it to you as well.