Email: george@georgerpowell .com | Facebook: facebook.com/georger powell | Twitter: @georgerpowell

George R Powell @Setu-Firestorm

Age 42, Male

Composer-Screenwr it

St. Petersburg College

Largo, FL

Joined on 8/9/06

Exp Points:
1,910 / 2,180
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5.57 votes
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Setu-Firestorm's News

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - November 16th, 2007

I'm going to be cheap and cut off "A World Outside Your Own" at its 4th song, Illusion.

Brian Buyea and I are now planning how the next album "Almost Paradise". Unlike the previous albums where the songs were kind of written arbitrarily to the album's title theme, this time we're going to try something different (well, different for us anyway).

In this album, we'll be telling a story all throughout, similar to the way Armor for Sleep writes their albums, only the actual musical style of this album is still being decided. Chances are, since I'm the one doing the music part of it, the sound will probably vary by song depending on the song's mood and subject.

So keep an ear out. I'll let you guys know when there's a track release. They will be uploaded to my NG audio page here.

Album Cover (original photo before editing was by RockStarVanity of DeviantArt)

Also, for those of you who've reviewed my rock songs and gave me feedback on how the vocals need to improve: I've looked into several voice lessons across the internet, and I've been working on honing down on it. I cannot guarantee that I'll be great on this next rock album, but I can promise that I'll at least sound better than before.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - November 4th, 2007

It's true. After all this time that I told my friends I don't care about WoW (World of Warcraft) because I was having too much fun with Ragnarok Online, I finally got my hands on WoW. My good friend, James, is in the Navy and he's getting shipped out to Iraq in a few days, so he dumped his WoW and Burning Crusade expansion on me telling me to hang on to it and use it while he's gone for the next 2 years.

So I installed it, started playing it, and was pretty impressed (although it does seem to be made with the same engine as Guild Wars, just without as good graphics as GW has; however, the gameplay far more than makes up for that). Now, my only predicament was that I'm a full-time student and have no income. I lent all of my student loan money to my mother who got in a financial hole, and my only regret about that is because she pays me back just enough to pay my bills but only when it's convenient for her.

So, I found a solution to the problem (as far as WoW goes). That solution is the Project Northrend free WoW server. Its XP rate is the same as the standard Blizzard server, so it's no different (I don't know about any of you, but I'm not a fan of playing MMORPG free servers where you gain 8 levels by killing one enemy; I like to earn my rewards).

So if anyone feels like joining the server, which hasn't given me any trouble in the past few days, feel free to jump on in. Right now, I'm primarily playing as a Blood Elf Paladin named "Raleigh".

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - November 1st, 2007

Never take two classes in the same semester that require you to memorize 2 pages of functions, formulas, identities, and all sorts of other crap that you're supposed to use to solve equations....unless you're a machine, which I'm not. I forget things up to 5 mintues after somebody says them to me, and I've likened my memory capacity to that of trying to spray water from a garden hose into an open trash can from 10 feet away: you might get something in there but chances are most of it's just going to graze the top edge and spray out away from its destination.

So yeah, I failed yet another Trig exam, which means I'm most definitely going to need to take it next semester. The irritating thing about it was: I knew all the identites and formulas I needed to know to solve quadratic equations involvinng trigonometric functions, but there would always be one small detail, like a + or a - that I would confuse with another one and that would throw off my answer quite a freaking bit.

(Example: I had to find a half-angle of a cosine, which with the correct formula would read: cos(x/2)=(+/-) "square root of (1 + cos(x)) / 2". And as luck would have it, I got it confused with the half-angle rule for sine and wound up doing "1 '-' cos(x)" hence my answer was way off.)

It's not as irritating flunking tests as much as it is irritating finding out that every problem you got wrong was some stupid crappy thing that you either weren't thinking of at the time or simply confused for something else.

So yeah, needless to say, I'm a bit PO'd about it.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - October 28th, 2007

I just want to wish everyone a Happy Halloween.

....yeah...so...Happy Halloween.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - October 23rd, 2007

Not only have I been irritated by class and tired from it, but I got so damn bored tonight that I made a rock song in 4 hours. 4 HOURS! Usually it takes me 7 to 9 hours, then half the people who review it here hate it and hate me for making it, but I do it and post it anyway. Ya know why? Because we're Addams'. XP

Okay, that's it. I really need to go to bed now.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - October 16th, 2007

After bombing yet another Trigonometry exam and working my way towards bombing another Chemistry exam, I decided I need to take a break from everything to get caught up on homework. Now, it doesn't help that my Chemistry instructor teaches like he's pulling points out of his ass and then testing us on stuff he never mentioned and that my Trigonometry instructor talks like he's quoting an Isaac Asimov book. Despite these advantages, it is also true that I haven't budgeted my time well (I swear, when I had a job while taking courses, I was more ambitious >.<)

So, while I'll be logging in, I won't be up to much for at least a day or two. (So to you guys things won't seem to have changed. =p )

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - October 8th, 2007

My first flash project's been in the works for quite a while, but I am once again making some progress on it. Most details on it can be seen (screenshots and the alpha footage) on my DeviantArt gallery here:


This flash will be called "Angelic". It's based off an RPG Maker XP game I had started and created a 40 minute demo to. Basically, it's a supernatural dark fantasy based in modern times with a bit of a gritty otherworldly twist to its atmosphere (which was greatly inspired by the melancholy yet ethereal aura of the Silent Hill music by Akira Yamaoka). I'll certainly post it here on NG as soon as it's finished, but it will still be some time before that happens (I'd like to guess a few months maybe just because of how much other work I have to do).

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - October 2nd, 2007

Well, people, I have some kinda sucky news.

I got a call from David Blane (the producer of the LoZ film) asking me to remove the LoZ film pieces from my MySpace. Evidently, there was no agreement that I could post them (even though in my unofficial agreement (before I signed the papers) I mentioned that I'd like to post them on my MySpace for listening only).

So, I will keep you guys updated on the filmscoring process, but unfortunately, the music has to go secret now until the film's release.

Sorry, guys. I'm kinda bummed by this, too.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - September 27th, 2007

To let you guys know, I've posted a new piece to the LoZ film on my MySpace profile. It's a battle scene piece, and although I love it and it perfectly syncs with the video, I was asked to compose another version of it that is more appropriate to the producer and director's vision, so this piece is currently unofficial, but nevertheless, I wanted to share it.



Posted by Setu-Firestorm - September 24th, 2007

I've been busy lately. I had tests in all my classes, and as usual for every semester, I always bomb the first set of tests no matter how hard I study.

As far as the LoZ film's concerned, it took a little over a week, but I've received the next scene to compose music for. This one's actually a battle scene, so that should prove interesting (since I'm having to change my approach to composing already just to make sure that the music is coordinated with the onscreen action). I'll let you guys know when it's finished.

Also, I've been working on turning my demo-of-an-RPG-Maker-XP game "Angelic" into a flash series. I'm working on Episode 1 of it. I have released an unfinished entry to show how it's going so far. Understand that this is my first actual flash so I still have much practice and experience to gain to get better, but for anyone who's curious, you can view it on my DeviantArt Page here!

Again, I apologize for not updating sooner, but I will keep you all posted.