Email: george@georgerpowell .com | Facebook: facebook.com/georger powell | Twitter: @georgerpowell

George R Powell @Setu-Firestorm

Age 42, Male

Composer-Screenwr it

St. Petersburg College

Largo, FL

Joined on 8/9/06

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Setu-Firestorm's News

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - October 8th, 2008

Hey guys.

Just updating my news page so it doesn't look like I'm never here.

I've been busy between school and work, but concerning musical things, I've been leaving my next rock song (which is supposed to kick off a new album) half-done because I came down with a nasty cold over last weekend, and while it's going away, my voice still hits a limit that will sound really bad if I tried to sing with it. One of these days, though, I'll get it finished and posted.

Still no update on how the Legend of Zelda film is coming along, but I've e-mailed the producer asking him how things're going.

OH! Almost forgot to include that I have acquired Anime Studio!! ...and before you ask, YES I bought it; I did not pirate it (I guess the word "acquire" was a more suspicious term). After watching some tutorials on it and playing with it to see how it works, I have found that much of it works the exact same way as flash, but has a different method of animating 2-D characters without having to do everything manually (like you have to in Flash). So, given that I want to eventually start producing my own animated films and miniseries (although I don't figure I'll get to ALL of my story ideas given the fact that I'm a fulltime college student who works), I've set up a new name. I was originally going to go with Blue Feather Entertainment, but I found out there is already a commercial company called "Blue Feather Productions" and in the event I want my work to go commercial, I don't want that conflict. So my production name (although I'm still keeping my custom-made blue feather icon) will be Skylord Entertainment.

Just in case you wanted to know. =p

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - September 19th, 2008

Well, I found out that after I planned for, and was thankful for, not getting a student loan (especially when Pell Grants were sufficient enough), I was approved for a student loan at the last minute, so when my funds were disbursed, I had much more money in my student account than I should have had. I'm both excited and discouraged over this, because as awesome as it is to have more than I initially planned, that's more with interest I'll owe in the future (and I already have a $22,000 loan out for my previous years). Let's just say SunTrust owns my immortal soul and we're still counting.

Aside from that, I've started on a rock song that I just need the time and ambition to complete (after working in the hot sun for several hours, you kinda get the energy sapped out of you), which will kick off a new album that I'm titling "Shattered Wings" (which, ironically, as much as I wanted to theme the album on the thoughts of a fallen angel, I named it after the Horde guild I'm in on the Dragonblight server of WoW).

Also, concerning the LoZ film, although the score is unofficially finished, I'm finishing up soon on another scene that I was asked to do, although priority hadn't been placed on whether or not the scene gets done. There is still no official finish date for the movie, let alone a release date, but it's fairly safe to say that you fans shouldn't be waiting til 2009 to see "The Legend of Zelda: Hero of Time"; there's a high likelihood that it will be coming out before then. Also, for those of you looking forward to the film, I hear they have a few nice things planned for you guys to regain hype on the movie, although I'm not at liberty to say what they are).

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - August 23rd, 2008

It's back to the grind with the start of the Fall 08 semester. Can't say I'm looking forward to it, although I'm glad to have a part-time job to pay my bills and I'll also feel better knowing that my student loan lender cut me off but Federal Pell Grants were enough to pay for the year, so I won't owe anyone for this round. Hell, I already owe somewhere around $22,000 to SunTrust. =o

Aside from that, I'm musically in Numb Mode, where I just don't have any inspiration or ideas to run with, but that probably has something to do with the fatigue I've felt a lot lately (mostly from being out of shape and working outside at my job a lot in the hot humid Florida weather).

I will still keep you guys updated on how the LoZ movie goes when I get updates now that the score is practically finished.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - August 3rd, 2008

I thought I had already uploaded some of my good older works, but apparently there are quite a bit I forgot about.

I've uploaded a piece I made on impulse 3 years ago, called "Eternal Rest", and a piece from my old score to "The Adventures of Hoshima" which you can read more about by reading the description on "It Torments Him".

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - July 23rd, 2008

I'm finally working at my new job at Target. Granted, I have the easiest job in the entire store (cart attendant), but considering I'll have 4 classes this coming semester, an easy job is just the thing I need.

Concerning the LoZ film score, my deadline has passed, but they decided after some debating to cram one more scene in for me to do, which really does make a difference, because I'm sure we'd all like to hear music for Link's battle with Volvagia (although I'm not sure if they're keeping that name in the movie).

So once this scene is scored (which I'm already roughly halfway through it), then I can consider myself officially done with the score, and then we'll all just have to wait for the movie to premiere, which we're hoping (with a fair level of certainty) will be sometime THIS fall.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - July 11th, 2008

My very first attempt at making a machinima. Please keep in mind that this was my first time using Abobe Premiere's Color Keying feature, so I'm not quite practiced at it yet.

For what it's worth, I hope you at least enjoy the humor as I mock just about how ridiculous this Shyamalan movie was (which is a shame, because I'm a major M. Night Shyamalan fan)


Posted by Setu-Firestorm - July 7th, 2008

....I get to record Raegan's vocals over again for the LoZ score. Funness! =p

Sad thing is: I could care less that another year's gone. I guess I can still afford to not care about getting older yet.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - July 1st, 2008

To celebrate my finally getting a job, I decided to break from the LoZ score for today and fill a fan request to write a song around his lyrics. Tyler Wozniak, aka "Isacc13" here on Newgrounds, sent me lyrics with a request to write a song around them. I've gotten requests like this before, and I rarely have the time to fill them, but today I shrugged and said "What the hell".

It's in my Audio profile as "I'm Falling" as well as on my Myspace.

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - June 30th, 2008

Off topic: I'm scheduled for a job interview at Target tomorrow! Yay! My month-long hopeless search for a job has likely come to an end.

Aside from that, I have uploaded the final 2 tracks to the Redefined piano album: "Echoes Through Eternity" (requested by Tateos) and "Sun Sets In" (requested by swashbucler1)

Posted by Setu-Firestorm - June 13th, 2008

The July 20th deadline approaches where I have to have the score done, but I have finished the final battle scene between Link and Ganon, and I have to say that I was honestly even surprised that I got a 4-minute scene done at such a great working caliber in just under 2 weeks. I now have to do the scene that follows it, and then Link's first meeting of Zelda, and a few ambient pieces, and the score will be done for the film.

When this score is done, I can finally get back to my own projects I've had on hold since July of last year!