I was just listening back to my older work (no, I'm not narciccistic just because I'm proud of my work =p ), and I listened to an old soundtrack of mine that back in 2003 was a big hit in the OHRRPGCE community Castle Paradox. Now, my composing skills have gotten better since then (along with my mixing techniques), but I can't help but listen to those pieces from "Neo Krysta III: The Guardian War" and think to myself "God, I feel like there was such inspiration that I once had back in that day that I don't seem to have anymore."
Granted, I am inspired now, but in a different way because my innocent ignorance was lost when I had to go with the "growing-up flow" that everyone apparently goes through in their early to mid 20s when the reality hits them that they're not a "kid" anymore (except to the older folks). Now, I've just found a way to look beyond the everyday stresses of life and find inspiration in the beauty of the simple things around us that we take for granted. I can look at a flock of birds flying through the sky or watch birds by a lake and find a peace and inspiration in that. Maybe I'm just going crazy, I don't know, but if it brings me hope, I consider it a good thing.
Anyway, enjoy the two old pieces I posted from the NK3 soundtrack. Just listening to it again after 4 years has made me want to remake that game and actually finish it.